nose beauty

The skin of the face is one of the vulnerable and very delicate parts of the body, the nose is considered the most important channel of the respiratory system, and it is the most prominent part of the face, which has a significant effect on its beauty. The presence of any defects in it overshadows the beauty of the face. The nose has a pyramidal structure, the upper part of which is bony and the lower part is cartilaginous. Sometimes a small change in the nose can make the face more attractive. This change is done during nose surgery called rhinoplasty. One of the most important advantages of rhinoplasty is increasing a person’s self-confidence after changing the shape of the nose and harmonizing it with the face. A plastic surgery specialist can easily make this change and add beauty to your face. There are different ways to fix nose defects without surgery. including botox injection and filler or gel injection, which is better to consult with one of the best plastic surgeons in Tehran, Dr. Amir Daryani, before choosing one of the methods.

Injection of filler or gel into the nose

Nose correction is performed without the need for surgery by injecting fillers in the nose. Filler injection is not used to reduce or correct the functional problems of the nose, but to fix depressions (humps) on the nose, noses that have a slight nasal deviation, and hook-like noses that need to be corrected and straightened. The fillers used are biodegradable and biocompatible, which means they are not harmful to the body and are naturally removed from the body. There are different types of fillers. For more information, click on the filler injection link.

Botox injection into the nose

This injection is a non-surgical method to fix and correct a series of problems in the nose. Applications of Botox injection:

1- Eliminating the lines created on the nose: One of the best ways to eliminate wrinkles on the face is Botox injection. Wrinkles caused by the contraction of the nasalis muscle (this muscle is located in the wall of the nose) when talking, smiling, closing the corners of the eyes, and frowning. With botox injection, the muscles in that area are weak and wrinkles develop over time. They become shallow and fade away.

2- Raising the tip of the nose: One of the most common problems that overshadows the beauty of the nose is drooping of the tip of the nose, which is caused by the weakness of the cartilage of the tip of the nose. Drooping of the tip of the nose occurs due to the contraction of the lower nasal septum muscle (Depressor septi nasi muscle) in the upper lip. In some people, this muscle contracts when laughing and pulls the tip of the nose down, this can be fixed with the help of Botox injection. To learn more about Botox injection method, you can read the article in this link.